No Headphones required: A color-matching strategy card game with elements of physical activity that’s fun and hilarious for the entire family.
PurchaseCreated by America’s leading Silent Disco Headphone Company Quiet Events
The Objective
Players create stacks of same colorpartygoers in hopes to get rid of their cards first. If the DJ card is played, all players must do something… be quick! If you are caught last, you pick up a card. Watch out for the police, they’ll try to close the party down.

The Cards
Every deck has 52 brightly designed cards just like you’re in the club and a special card that gets you special offers and gifts if you wanted to rent silent disco headphones for your own party at home by Quiet Events.

The Partygoers
The DJs keep the party fun. They make people throw their hands up, tap the table, and if they think the cops are coming makes everyone be quiet.

2 Colored Cards
Just like any silent disco, you caught these partygoers switching between colors. These are also the trend setters who help the party grow into more stacks.

The DJs
The DJs keep the party fun. They make people throw their hands up, tap the table, and if they think the cops are coming makes everyone be quiet.

The Headphones
Silent Disco headphones all you to tune into three different DJs. This is your wild card, choose the color you want to make it.

The Police
When the party is getting too big, the police come to shut it down, collecting all the stacks of partygoers. But don’t worry the party doesn’t stop.
About Silent Discos
What is a silent disco? Since 2012 Quiet Events has been hosting parties were everyone gets specially designed headphones that have a switch that tune into three channels of music that could be a live DJ or any audio player. Each channel corresponds to a color, this way you can tell who is listening to the same music. Take your headphones off and it’s not actually quiet because everyone is singing out loud, making it fun to be a part of and even fun for others to listen to. You can purchase and rent equipment for a party at home by visiting Quiet Events.com