Silent Disco The Game Rules
How to Play
The game is simple. Match the same color card on top of each other; no other cards can go on top of a two-colored card. Instead, new matching color piles are placed to the side, purple cards aren’t played on the piles and make you do something, the police card turns all the piles back into one. NO HEADPHONES REQUIRED.
Choose the dealer
The dealer distributes cards to everyone and places the first card. We recommend the person whose birthday is closest
The dealer shuffles the deck and deals each player 7 cards. The dealer then places the deck face down in the center of the players and flips the top card over it to start a stack to build on. If the card is a DJ or Police card, randomly put it back into the deck and flip the next card over (gameplay can’t start with one of these cards).
Game Play
The person to the dealer’s left plays the next card, and the game continues clockwise unless reversed. Players take turns placing cards from their hand.
Partygoer (1 color)
This card can only be played on top of a single-color party-goer card or three-color headphone card when the side facing the deck matches its color. It can also be played next to a two-color party-goer card on the side that matches its color.
Partygoer (2 color)
This card is played on top of a single-color party-goer card with one matching color or a three-color headphone card. It may also be played next to another two-color party-goer card by aligning the colors to match. No other card can go on top of this card.
Headphones “Wild” (3 color)
This card can be played on top of any single-color party-goer card or next to a two-color party-goer card. The player who places this card chooses the color they would like and turns it so that the chosen color on the edge is facing towards the deck. Subsequent players must then match that color on top.

DJ Cards
These purple cards can be played at any time. DJ Cards are NOT played on ANY party-goer stack. They are played then discarded to their own separate stack.
- No Sound: (+1 to whoever fails)
- Everyone must stay completely silent until the person who played the last “No Sound” card
plays another card. If someone makes a sound (including laughing), that player draws a card.
Once a sound is made, everyone is permitted to speak again. - “No sound” cards can be played on top of each other before the current “No sound” has
ended. In that case “No sound” continues until the last player that played a “No sound” card
plays another card.
- Everyone must stay completely silent until the person who played the last “No Sound” card
- Hands Up: (+1 to the last one)
- When played ALL players must raise their hands all the way up WITHOUT any card(s) in them.
- The last person who raises their hands correctly draws a card.
- DJ handing out headphones (+1 card everyone)
- Every player draws a card from the deck, including the person who played the card.
- Tap the table (+1 to the last one)
- The last person to tap the table draws a card.
- Rewind: (Record with arrows)
- Changes the direction of game play. If the next person is on the left, the person on the right plays instead. Game play continues in this direction until another rewind is played.

Police Cards
When a police card is played, all stacks are combined into one, and the police card is placed on top to shut down the party! The player who places this card does not choose the color of the next card. Instead, the next player places any color they want to start the party again.

Additional Rules
- A player may not pick up a card if they have one that can be played.
- If the player does not have a card to play, they must draw cards until they find one that can be played. They may play this card after picking it up.
- If the deck runs out of cards, reshuffle all played cards except the top ones and place them in the deck area.
How to Win : Be the 1st one with no cards left in your hand.
You can play a blue, red/blue or green/blue partygoer card on top of the blue partygoer card

In this example a red/blue partygoer card was played on top of the blue partygoer card. Then the following player placed down a red partygoer card to the right. Matching to the same color of red/blue partygoer card red side.

The next player placed a red/blue partygoer card to the right, but flipped it so that the two blue sides are matching. Reminder, no card can be played on top of a two color party-goer card.

The wild three color headphone card is played on the right of the red/blue partygoer card. It’s turned so that the green side is facing up, indicating the next card to be played on top of it must be a green card.

A green card is played on top of the three color headphone card.

When a police card is played, all the decks are brought back into one and it’s the next player who can put down any color card on top of the police card.